UTSW Graduate student Maggie Wang receives 2024 Ida M. Green Award for Cancer Immunotherapy Research
Maggie Wang, graduate student, UTSW Biomedical Engineering Maggie Wang, a graduate student in the Gao Lab, has received the 2024 Ida M. Green Award for her research on nanoparticle-based cancer immunotherapies targeting the STING protein. “Maggie has an insatiable curiosity to find out how STING nanoparticles work to eliminate tumors, and she displayed great courage to come from a materials science background to solve the complex tumor immunology puzzle,” said her mentor, Jinming Gao, Ph.D., a Professor in the Harold C. Simmons Comprehensive Cancer Center and of Biomedical Engineering Wang studies how STING functions in dendritic cells, which identify microorganisms or cancer cells, enabling the adaptive immune system to secrete kill signals and eliminate threats.
UTSW Graduate student Maggie Wang receives 2024 Ida M. Green Award for Cancer Immunotherapy Research